Ensuring a Safe Environment

At Kaiwa Cares, Inc., the safety of our clients is paramount. All volunteers are required to complete a background check before beginning their service.

Steps for Background Clearance:
1. Submit the Form: Provide the necessary information using the form below.
2. Verification: We will process your background check through our trusted provider.
3. Clearance Notification: You’ll receive confirmation once cleared.

Volunteer Form

    Thank you for your interest in volunteering with Kaiwa Cares, Inc. We are excited to have you join us in our mission to support trauma-affected individuals through mental health services, education, and healing.


    Please complete the form below to sign up as a volunteer.


    Personal Information

    Full Name:

    Phone Number:

    Email Address:

    Date of Birth:

    Emergency Contact Information

    Emergency Contact Name:

    Emergency Contact Phone Number:

    Relationship to Emergency Contact:


    Street Address:



    Zip Code:


    Days Available to Volunteer:

    Times Available to Volunteer (please specify hours):




    How often can you volunteer?

    Volunteer Interests

    Please indicate the areas in which you are interested in volunteering:

    Skills and Experience

    Please briefly describe any skills, qualifications, or experiences you have that would be helpful in your role as a volunteer:

    Why do you want to volunteer with Kaiwa Cares?

    Background Information

    Have you volunteered with us before?

    Do you have any previous experience working with trauma-affected individuals?

    If yes, please briefly describe your experience:

    Additional Information

    Is there anything else you'd like us to know?


